You take I Love Lucy reruns, popcorn and cold cream, combine six really sweet Catholic University students and then add most of the Lady Residents from Guardian Angel and St. Francis and what do you get? Fun, lots of laughter and a couple gentlemen out in the hallway wondering, “what’s going on in there?”
The Residents had a really great time Wednesday night and the “girls only pajama party” was the topic of conversation at the breakfast tables the next morning. Anne Sparich, impressed with the students said, “They were so good and wholesome, so interested and interesting.” The students never expected such a lively and fun time and were amazed when the first Resident showed up in curlers and face-mask — they remembered having plenty of these girls only parties when they were young!
Students at CUA are super and are a vital part of our volunteer program! Last month they hosted the “Say Cheese” 50’s diner style grilled cheese supper. It leaves us wondering what’s next?
PICTURED: Irene Regan smiles sweetly, as the rest of the pose takes an unexpected twist when Miriam Clark decides to dab cold cream on Amber’s face!