Prayer, which sustains all the works of mercy, has been an important element of our observance of this Jubilee year. On Saturday, June 4 we invited families and children to join us for a rosary holy hour to pray for the unborn and family life.
This time of prayer was animated by Janis Clarke, a consecrated virgin in the archdiocese of Washington, and Rev. Peter Ryan, S.J. The event ended with a time of fellowship in the café, encouraging our young guests to become acquainted with the Residents.
The holy hour was Janis’ idea, for she believes that joining forces, the very young and the very old have special power to fight the culture of death. “Rather than abortion and euthanasia,” she shared with great enthusiasm, “youth-and-aged together can make a big difference for life!”
Some of the Residents and children assist Janis Clarke and Rev. Peter Ryan, S.J. in leading the rosary in our chapel.